Getting Started

Install sbt

We strongly recommend using the official installer available on the Scala homepage. Alternatively, sbt offers a comprehensive installation guide with all necessary commands listed on the sbt homepage.

To ensure sbt is installed correctly, you can compile all Scala modules by running:

sbt compile

Run Tests

SpinalHDL’s test suite requires a version of Verilator that is newer than what is available in most package repositories. As a workaround, download and extract the OSS CAD Suite archive for your platform.

tar -xvf oss-cad-suite-linux-x64-20240101.tgz
rm oss-cad-suite-linux-x64-20240101.tgz

Remember to update the path to the OSS CAD Suite and export it in every new bash session:

# Add OSS CAD Suite pre-builds to the environment
export PATH=$PWD/oss-cad-suite/bin/:$PATH

To run all available tests, use the following sbt command:

sbt test

If you need to test a specific component, use the testOnly command:

sbt "testOnly *Apb3GpioTest"


Begin by creating a virtual environment and installing the necessary packages for documentation:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Then, navigate to the docs/ directory and generate the HTML documentation. Open the output in Firefox:

cd docs/
make html
firefox build/html/index.html